Is it time for a tune-up? Do you have a fleet that needs service?
Call the certified mechanics at Tulsa Auto Services & Sales!
Tulsa Auto Services & Sales offers complete automotive services to customers throughout the Tulsa area.
We have been in the same location since our beginning in 1991. Our employees are our biggest assets. Each one is attentive, experienced, ethical and provides exceptional customer service. We fix only what needs to be repaired. Some of our services include alternators, brake service, diagnostics, radiators, starters, preventative maintenance, oil changes and much more.

Why Choose Us
Tulsa Auto Services & Sales is an experienced automotive care shop that handles a wide range of services.
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Fleet Services
If your company vans, cars or trucks need to be serviced, just call the professionals at Tulsa Auto Services & Sales.
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Automotive Services
We are an auto care company that focuses on providing clients with high-quality service that will keep you on the road safely.
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